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16.3 縦型,横型探索


(defmethod graph
   (start goal &optional (path-queue (list (list start)))
          &aux (path (first path-queue)))
    ((null path-queue) nil)
    ((eq goal (first path)) (reverse path))
    (t (send self :depth-first
             start goal
              (new-paths (new-nodes path) path)
              (rest path-queue))

(defmethod graph
   (start goal &optional (path-queue (list (list start)))
          &aux (path (first path-queue)))
    ((null path-queue) nil)
    ((eq goal (first path)) (reverse path))
    (t (send self :breadth-first
             start goal
              (rest path-queue)
              (new-paths (new-nodes path) path))
探索経路を表示し,パスを返すメソッドを:find-routeとして graphに追加する.

(defmethod graph
   (s f &optional (method :depth-first))
   (let ((route (send self method
                      (send self :find-node s)
                      (send self :find-node f))))
     (format t "route length from ~A to ~A is ~A in ~A method.~%"
             s f (length route) method)
     (format t "  route path is ~A.~%"
             (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (send n :name)) route))

eus$ (send *graph* :find-route "s" "f" :depth-first)
route length from s to f is 5 in :depth-first method.
  route path is (s a b e f).
(#<node #X104e5600 "s" >
 #<node #X104e596c "a" >
 #<node #X104e61ac "b" >
 #<node #X104e74cc "e" >
 #<node #X104e7c88 "f" >)

eus$ (send *graph* :find-route "s" "f" :breadth-first)
route length from s to f is 4 in :breadth-first method.
  route path is (s d e f).
(#<node #X104e5600 "s" >
 #<node #X104e72f8 "d" >
 #<node #X104e74cc "e" >
 #<node #X104e7c88 "f" >)
縦型と,横型で得られるパスが違うことがわかる. ここで引数としてメソッド名を渡すことで探索の方法を選ぶことができる 点が特徴です.このようにメソッド名を引数で渡すと手続きを引数にとるのと 同じことになる. オブジェクト指向の応用によるプログラミングでは,既存のクラスを継承して, 応用問題用のクラスを定義することでなされてゆく.

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