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14.4 迷路の問題

(defclass maze-node (node)
  ((pos :initarg :pos :accessor node-pos)))

(defun convert-to-string (n)
  (format nil "~s" n))

(defun init-maze-nodes (x-max y-max)
  (let ((res nil) (i 0))
     ((y 1 (1+ y)))
     ((> y y-max))
      ((x 1 (1+ x)))
      ((> x x-max))
       (setq res
          (make-instance 'maze-node
            :name (convert-to-string (incf i))
            :pos (list x y))
    (reverse res)

(defmethod add-neighbor
    ((self node) n &key (test #'equal))
  (let ((ns (node-neighbors self)))
    (when (not (member n ns :test test))
      (setf (node-neighbors self) (cons n ns))
      (add-neighbor n self :test test)

(defun put-arc (graph
                name1 name2 &key (test #'equal))
  (add-neighbor (find-node graph name1)
                (find-node graph name2)

(defun init-maze ()
  (setq *maze-graph*
    (make-instance 'graph
      :nodes (init-maze-nodes 5 5)))
          '((1 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 9) (9 14) (9 8)
            (8 7) (7 12) (12 13) (12 11) (11 6)
            (11 16) (14 15) (16 17) (17 22)
            (21 22) (22 23) (23 18) (23 24)
            (24 19) (19 20) (20 15) (15 10)
            (10 5) (20 25)))
    (let ((n1 (car path))
          (n2 (cadr path)))
      (put-arc *maze-graph*
               (convert-to-string n1)
               (convert-to-string n2))))
ここで,add-neighborは,引数のノードを自分のneighborsに登録したあと, その相手のノードに自分をneighborsとして登録することを行なっています. たとえば,次のようにmaze-testを定義して実行すると以下のようになります.

(defun maze-test nil
  (setq dp (find-route
            "21" "13" 'depth-first))
  (setq bp (find-route
            "21" "13" 'breadth-first))

<cl> (maze-test)
DEPTH-FIRST Search from 21 to 13:
  (21 22 23 24 19 20 15 14 9 8 7 12 13)
BREADTH-FIRST Search from 21 to 13:
  (21 22 17 16 11 12 13)
図 3: 積木の問題


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