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Assembly Kit for Personal Desktop Humanoid
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Experimental researches using small-sized humanoid robots enable researchers to realize whole-body behaviors and visual-auditory interaction behaviors in a real world. In these experiments, it is important for each researcher to make a trial by using of humanoid robots in various ways. Therefore, a robot system that is able to realize robots with various sensors and actuators easily is important. In other words, an extensible robot system is required that has no limitation of the number of devices and that is easily add addition devices to an existing on-body robot system.

We propose a simple and an extensible robot system using bus connected intelligent device units that each device has a processor. This system enables researchers to build a robot with a number of devices and to add additional devices without significant changes of existing software and hardware structure. In a sense, this architecture realizes a rapid prototyping environment for building robots.

ポータブル卓上ヒューマノイドロボット Kazロボットキット 卓上ヒューマノイドのソフトウェアシステム マスタースレーブデモ.左のロボットがマスター 研究室のオリエンテーション環境 ヒューマノイドシミュレータを利用した対戦ゲーム Assembly Kit for Personal Desktop Humanoid
携帯用CPUを用いた小型カメラモジュール 視覚をもった小型卓上ヒューマノイド Small Stereo Vision Module for Personal Desktop Humanoid
はしご昇段実験(世界初) 視覚で対象物を認識し歩行して把持する Behavior Experiments of Personal Desktop Humanoid
視覚による床面地図モデリングと経路計画にもとづく行動生成 上の実験の視覚シミュレーション状況 Humanoid Simulator for Vision based Behavior
  • Kei Okada, Akira Fuyuno, Takeshi Morishita, Takashi Ogura, Yasumoto Ohkubo, Yasuyuki Kino, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue : "Device Distributed Approach to Extensible Robot System using Intelligent Device Unit with Super-micro Processor", Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp 208-216, 2004.
  • Kei Okada, Takeshi Morishita, Marika Hayashi, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue : "Design and Development of Small Stereo Vision Sensor Module for Small Self-Contained Autonomous Robots", Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp , 2005.