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leJOS, a Java system for the Lego Mindstorms RCX


-- You need a Java Development Kit (JDK).
-- JDK 1.1 to 1.3 work, 1.4 works with
   option -target 1.1 for lejosc.
-- Your PATH must contain the JDK's bin directory.
-- In Unix, type 'make' to finish installation
   of leJOS.
-- Add leJOS's bin directory to your PATH.
-- Set RCXTTY to your 'tower' device (e.g. COM1 or 
   USB or /dev/ttyS0).
-- Download firmware using lejosfirmdl.
-- Compile using lejosc (or lejosc1) instead of javac.
-- Run programs in the RCX using lejos.
-- Run programs in the host using emu-lejos.
-- Exceptions: Use lejos -verbose. Exceptions are 
   shown in the RCX as [XXXX Y],
   where XXXX = method_signature, and 
   Y = exception_class_index MOD 10.
What is leJOS?

leJOS is a tiny (~ 16 Kb) Java-based operating system
that has been ported to the following platforms:

- Lego Mindstorms RCX, i.e. Hitachi H8300
- Unix (for emulation of RCX programs only)

leJOS was forked out of the TinyVM project
( leJOS contains
a VM for Java bytecodes, and additional software to load
and run Java programs. These are some of the features
offered by leJOS:

- Object oriented language (Java).
- Preemptive threads (tasks).
- Arrays, including multi-dimensional ones.
- Recursion.
- Synchronization.
- Exceptions.
- Well-documented API.

The above are also provided by TinyVM. But in addition
to these, leJOS also offers:

- A Windows version, which doesn't require CygWin.
- Floating point operations 
     (doubles truncated to 32 bits).
- String constants.
- Casting of longs to ints and vice versa.
- Marks references in the stack (which makes it feasible
  to implement garbage collection).
- Multi-program downloading.
- java.lang.Math class with sin, cos,
   tan, atan, pow, etc.
- More APIs.

TinyVM is still around simply as a low-footprint
alternative to leJOS. TinyVM is about 7 Kb
smaller in the RCX.


RCX 1.0/2.0 in RIS 1.0/1.5/2.0: yes

Serial IR Tower in RIS 1.0/1.5: yes
USB IR Tower in RIS 2.0: under Microsoft Windows,
not under Linux

How do you pronounce leJOS?

I pronounce it like the Spanish word "lejos"
(which means far).


- A Java Development Kit
  Lejos is known to work with JDK1.1.x to 1.4.x from SUN
  Other Java environments (for example jikes) 
  may also work.

- leJOS is known to work on Linux and Windows. It should 
  work on Unix systems in general.


  - Your PATH is assumed to point to the 
    JDK's bin directory.
  - You should also add $LEJOS_HOME/bin to
    your PATH.
  - RCXTTY must be defined to point to the
    IR device file. For example, in my Linux
    partition, it's /dev/ttyS1, which corresponds
    to COM2 under Windows.

Building the Tools (UNIX ONLY):
  Simply go to the installation directory and
  type 'make'. 

Downloading the Firmware:
  Run the lejosfirmdl utility. When the firmware
  starts, the LCD shows the battery voltage, and
  you should hear a double beep.
  The firmware only needs to be downloaded once.
  It is also easy to replace, say, with the official
  Lego firmware. Simply run the Lego GUI and do what
  you would normally do to download the firmware.


A nice example to get started is the View example,
which you can use later if you need to test sensors 
and motors. To run the View example, 
execute the following commands (assuming the current 
directory is the leJOS installation directory):

   LINUX                      WINDOWS
   -----                      -------
lejosfirmdl -f              lejosfirmdl -f

(Wait for double-beep in RCX. This step doesn't
have to be repeated to run the example again).

cd examples/view            cd examples\view
export CLASSPATH=.          set CLASSPATH=.
lejosc *.java               lejosc *.java
lejos View                  lejos View

(The last step will take about half a minute).

Compiling, Linking and Running

To compile your Java classes, use lejosc instead of
javac. If the JDK in your PATH is a 1.1 JDK, use
lejosc1 instead.

Note that lejosc is not a Java compiler. It's simply
a small program that calls javac after setting an
appropriate value for -bootclasspath. If you prefer
another Java compiler to javac, define the JAVAC
environment variable.

The basic way to use the linker is to make sure that
class files can be located in CLASSPATH, and execute 
'lejos' as you would execute 'java', e.g.

  lejos MyMainClass

The above links and resolves all classes that could
be used by a program with entry point in MyMainClass.
The resulting linked binary is downloaded to the
RCX. (This is done by creating a temporary
file, so the current directory should be writable).

To simply create a binary file containing the linked
program, use:

  lejos -o MyProgram.bin MyProgram
You can download a previously linked program with:

  lejosrun MyProgram.bin

You can also download multiple programs in one shot as 

  lejos Class1,Class2,...
The programs will be linked together, and will replace
any programs previously in the RCX. You can press Prgm
to select which program to run.
After the standing man figure appears in the RCX, you
can press Run to start a program. If the program exits
by itself, the standing man figure will appear again.
To stop a running program, hold the Run button while 
you press On/Off. Switching off the RCX will also stop
a running program.

You should be able to run linked programs in the 
host computer. All you need to do is use emu-lejos 
instead of lejos, and emu-lejosrun to run a linked
binary, e.g.

  emu-lejos -o MyProgram.bin MyProgram
  emu-lejosrun MyProgram.bin

To get more informative traces, use the -v option:

  emu-lejosrun -v MyProgram.bin
NOTE: The above is fine for Intel x86 architectures.
Under Sparc and other systems with big endian 
byte ordering, use lejos instead of emu-lejos, e.g.

  lejos -o MyProgram.bin MyProgram
  emu-lejosrun -v MyProgram.bin
In some cases it might be easier to debug
programs with the emulated VM, and you'll also 
get slightly more detailed exception information.
But this emulation tool does not attempt to
simulate an RCX graphically or anything like
that. It simply dumps traces that allow you
to check what your program is doing.


Due to size constraints, some language features
have been omitted. Others just haven't been 
implemented yet. The limitations that come to 
mind are:

  - Garbage collection is not performed yet.
    (The number of objects in your program
    should be bounded).
  - Switch statements are not supported.
  - Arithmetic operations on variables of type 
    long are not supported, although you can
    cast ints to longs and vice versa.
  - Maximum array length is 511.
  - The instanceof operation will always be true  
    for interfaces. In bytecode, CHECKCAST succeeds
    on all interface classes (which is a bit unsafe).
  - The instanceof and checkcast operations are
    rejected by the linker when they are performed
    on array classes (e.g. b instanceof byte[]).
  - There are no objects of type java.lang.Class, 
    which means that the ".class" construct won't
    work. Class.forName() throws ClassNotFoundException
    at all times.
  - Most JDK APIs are unavailable.

Known Bugs

  - MONITOREXIT ignores null objects (it assumes
    MONITORENTER has handled them). Furthermore, it 
    doesn't check monitor validity. Until this bug 
    is fixed (actually, at all times) all monitors
    should be constants.

  - Initializers (static or otherwise) are not
    implicitly synchronized. This could lead to access
    of statics before they are initialized, when
    multiple threads use a class.

The latest API Reference should be available at The API Reference
for this release can be obtained with 'make javadoc'.

About the License

We are releasing under the Mozilla Public License
(see LICENSE) for now, since Kekoa Proudfoot's
librcx is under that same license, and leJOS is
linked against -lrcx and -lfloat, which are part
of librcx. No changes have been made to those
libraries, so they haven't been redistributed.
They are only needed if you are planning to
modify the native C source code. See docs/hacking.

The founder of leJOS is Jose Solorzano.
Jose has announced he will be leaving the
leJOS project so he can spend more time with
his other baby, Mark Humberto.  Paul Andrews and
Juergen Stuber will be taking over as project


Please direct feedback to the lejos-discussion
mailing list
To subscribe see
          listinfo/lejos-discussion .

Take a look at the Lejos website at
or its project page at .

Finally, there is a newsgroup at LUGNET
for Java on the RCX, see .

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