Kitchen Assist Robot KAR
There are many tools and appliances within a human's daily life environment that were created with the assumption of human use. One of the desires of a home assistant robot is that it is able to use these objects to perform jobs useful to humans. Our aim is for robots to be able to support humans in tasks in the kitchen. We are developing an arm-shaped robot for installation within a kitchen, that could perform basic operations such as: 1) recognition of tableware, 2) tableware manipulation, 3) tableware transport, and 4) arranging tableware within a dishwasher. We have developed a gripping hand with a wide variety of precise sensors that can adeptly handle tableware. The hand also has areas of both high friction and low friction that allow for graspless manipulation.
- Papers
- Ikuo Mizuuchi, Junya Fujimoto, Kunihiko Yamamoto, Yoshinao
Sodeyama, Naoya Muramatsu, Shigeki Ohta, Kazuo Hongo, Tosihiro
Hirose, Masayuki Inaba:
A Kitchen Assistant Robot with a Variety of Sensors Embedded in the
Hand to Clear Away Dishes,
in First International Symposium on Quality of Life Technology, K, 2009.
- Junya Fujimoto, Ikuo Mizuuchi, Yoshinao Sodeyama, Kunihiko
Yamamoto, Naoya Muramatsu, Shigeki Ohta, Toshinori Hirose, Kazuo
Hongo, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Picking up Dishes based on Active Groping with Multisensory Robot Hand,
in 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive
Communication, pp.220--225, 2009.
- Junya Fujimoto, Ikuo Mizuuchi, Yoshinao Sodeyama, Kunihiko Yamamoto, Naoya Muramatsu, Shigeki Ohta, Toshinori Hirose, Kazuo Hongo, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Grasping of Dishes based on Active Groping with Multisensory Robot Hand,
in Proceedings of The 14th Robotics Symposia, pp.509--515, 2009.
- Junya Fujimoto, Kunihiko Yamamoto, Kenji Sato, Yoshinao Sodeyama, Ikuo Mizuuchi, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Acquisition of Dish Information by Groping with Proxmity Sensors in a Kitchen Assistant Robot,
in Proceedings of the 9th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, pp.741--742, 2008.